Marketing Management
Video: Museum of Failure
對大部份人來說,Apple、Google 等,都是國際上成功的大品牌吧?不過大品牌不等於不會失敗,事實上她們都推出不少爛產品,有一些早已被遺忘,有一些甚至沒有在巿面推出。
在瑞典,一間名為「失敗博物館」(Museum of Failure) 開幕,館中收藏了 51 件不同類型的失敗產品,單看圖片已讓人覺得相當有趣。
也 許品牌太過深入民心,即使明明是食物,也只會令人聯想到牙膏,最終自然失敗。
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最近前面推了面膜機吧?其實許多年前,一個名為 Rejuvenique 的品牌, 也推出過電能面膜機。據說它內置感應器,能傳送輕微電流到佩戴者的面上,從 而收縮肌肉,達到美容效果。 |
不過戴上後,只讓人想起電影《黑色星期五》中,殺人魔 Jason 的造型。 |
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最近前面推了面膜機吧?其實許多年前,一個名為 Rejuvenique 的品牌, 也推出過電能面膜機。據說它內置感應器,能傳送輕微電流到佩戴者的面上,從 而收縮肌肉,達到美容效果。 |
不過戴上後,只讓人想起電影《黑色星期五》中,殺人魔 Jason 的造型。 |
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Nokia 在不少人心目中,仍佔一席位吧? 其實除了手機外,在 2003 年,Nokia 也推出過一款名為 N-Gage 的手提遊戲機,雖然也備有電話功能, 但以玩遊戲為主導,當時欲與任天堂競爭這個巿場。 不過,N-Gage 的設計不太討好,當成手機體積太大,當成遊戲機按鍵又太多。 當然,如今回看,其實 Nokia 走得相當前的,現在不少人,都是用手機玩遊戲吧? |
Apple Newton 是最早期的掌上電腦之一,早在 1987 開始發展,並在 1993 年推出。產品內置了 Notes、計算器、換算程式、Works(文書處理)、瀏覽器和郵件等功能。 然而當時技術所限,Newton 效能不高,也有人認為,由於必須使用觸控筆,所以導致失敗。 盡管如此此,Newton 其實也是具前瞻性的產品,但有時走得太前,也不是人人接受得到。 |
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除了較舊的產品外,博物館也有收藏較近代的產品,例如 Google Glass。雖然曾被認為是劃時的產品,但最後因私隱、續航力不足、app 數量太少、售價過高等原因,最終導致失敗。 |
其他失敗產品,還包括 BlaK 可口可樂、Kodak DC40 數碼相機、CueCat 掃描器等等 ,如果大家想知更多資料,可到他們的官方網站看看。失敗博物館創發起人 Samuel West 表示,「人們通常只注意成功,失敗的東西往往不會討論。我希望透過失敗博物館,讓大家知道,即使是知名企業,同樣會有很多失敗產品。不過失敗並不可怕,重點是要從失敗中學習。」 | |
Coca-Cola BlaK was a coffee-flavored soft drink introduced by Coca-Cola in 2006 and discontinued in 2008. The mid-calorie drink was introduced first in France, before making its way to the United States and other markets. It was launched on the purpose it is an energy drink and it was a product that kids in high school and college buy to stay awake while studying for exams.
繼櫻桃、香草口味之後,2007.04 新上市的 可口可樂,標榜的是「零熱量」、「黑色時尚包裝」 。 這種名叫做 Coke-cola Blak 的汽水主要成份是可樂與咖啡原汁(玻璃瓶裝外觀)。根據可口可樂公司表示,他們希望透過可樂與咖啡這兩種受到成人族歡迎的飲料之組合,再加上產品包裝與市場行銷的幫助,讓 Coke Blak 可以像其他有酒精成份的飲料一樣可以受到成年消費族群的歡迎。 |
1. Was product right? Or was it as per the solution customer was looking for? Analysis shows that coca cola color was dark black drink that contained soda and coffee with 46mg of caffeine, this was a ‘mid-calorie drink’. The potential customers were not looking forward to a product with having high caffeine, whereas the ratio of smokers liked it more. The calories rate also rose regarding the regular coke. Taste-testers found the French version to be less sweet and to contain more coffee flavor. The energy level was founded to be as a joke to many customers. It used to come in a short, skinny, 8-ounce glass bottle. Glass was a nice touch, but it’s covered with a complete plastic over wrap that obscures the view and makes the bottle feel cheaper than it should. |
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2. Was price right? Or was it affordable for the customer or customer was ready to pay? The coca cola BlaK was sold at $1.49 for the 8 oz glass bottle in US, which was high as an introducing pricing, even the coca cola company didn’t had any special pricing schemes on the introducing the new product. |
3. Was promotion right? Or was its message effectively communicated to the customer? The coca cola company is renowned as the one of the best company in promoting there new products. In case of coca cola BlaK the same happens. In France it made quiet good but in US the customer didn’t liked to suggest any more to the fellows. |
4. Was place right? Or was it distributed as per the convenience of customers? The Product was very nicely promoted as every other product of the company, as it was first introduced in France than it reaches the United State. It was available in every corner market shops in France in United States. |
After conducting the whole research we have been able to point out that there is area of weakness is:
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